Security on Cortexio

In times of leaked passwords, we want to give a reassuring message about the security of your login information in Cortexio: It is very good.

SVT Hidden – do we have your password? )

At Cortexio, we use bcrypt , , to hash and salt your password. Your password is converted to a text in the following format: $2a$10$N9qo8uLOickgx2ZMRZoMyeIjZAgcfl7p92ldGxad68LJZdL17lhWy before saving it to the database. We do not save your password in plain text anywhere. A unique, server-generated, text (salt) is added to your password before it is encrypted. This makes it impossible to recover your password from a database dump. To make sure that you log in with the correct password, a similar encryption call is run at login.

Hopefully, more web services will take their responsibility when it comes to storing passwords correctly so we won’t have to worry about such leaks in the future.

AT-test and Exams

The Cortexio site Hypocampus has been approved to use the AT test! They are also working on putting in exams for the Medical Program, but there is work yet to be done before everything is in place.


Hypocampus has now added AT tests from the last five years. By linking the questions to the four categories General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery and Psychiatry, it is possible to provide detailed information about the areas that AT doctors need to study.

Once you do the questions, there are two new fields that are not in the common questions on the material: Description of Case and Specific Answer.


At the top of the question is a description of the case, which question, from which test, from which the question is. For example,  AT test, 2016 February, Case 1, Question 11.  It makes it easy to check which test the question came from at

Specific answer

Usually we link the answer to the material that is in a book. When it comes to the AT test (and exams) it is often a specific answer that is not so easy to show by just connecting to the material. Therefore, we show a specific answer on the AT test and exams that is in the worked solution for the test.

We are working to get a better connection to the material in Hypocampus to provide even better feedback on what you need to read more about.


We have chosen to introduce a premium version of the AT part. We think we add so much value that it is worth paying for free access to AT tests and statistics in Hypocampus. (And so we need help to pay for development and maintenance).

If you choose not to pay, you will still have the opportunity to try out full functionality through our trial period. After the trial period ends, you are limited to only being able to answer 3 AT questions each day, and your statistics are not displayed.

This does not affect Hypocampus’ other parts in any way – material, statistics or questions.

Exams for the Medical Program

We are also putting in exams for the Medical Program. This part is under construction and will take some time before we get approved to take exams. But we’re working on it!

Thanks to everyone who provides feedback to Hypocampus! We know that many people want to be able to do old exams thanks to the feedback you provide.

Ear Diagnostics

Thanks to Björn Åberg for letting us use pictures from Örondiagnostik (Ear Diagnostics), I, II and III. The books came in the 80’s and 90’s and are of high quality. Björn also wants to take the opportunity to thank Staffan Börjesson for assistance with the photo lab.

Leif Ingvarsson and Kaj Lundgren also stand for text.